speaking of that conference, zack realized a few days ahead of time that he didn't have some of the things he needed for the presentation. they were home in utah. safely stored away in his parent's closet. and his parents were in california. rats. so i
had to get a last minute flight (four hours before having to leave for the airport) and jet off to sunny utah. woe is me. only when i got there it wasn't so sunny. it was snowy. it felt like coming home for christmas.
while in utah i went to treasures antique mall in springville with my brother mike, my mom, and my grandma. as usual, it did not disappoint. after several hours browsing all the different booths we went to the art city trolley for lunch. yum.
i didn't take many pictures while in utah unfortunately. but i did spend a lot of time with friends and family and had so much fun.
p.s. just for your own reference carry on baggage can't actually be as large as they say it can. at least not on continental. my bag even fit in the little box they have for you to check the size, but they made me check it anyway. that silly crabby lady. oh well, at least i didn't have to pay to check it.